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Tuesday 28 May 2024




I asked GPT-4o to review this old technical report of mine. Speaking as a sometime editor, I have had worse reviews from humans... Here is the result:

Review of "A New Fractal Curve"


The paper presents a novel deterministic fractal curve that fills any pre-defined bounded and connected region of the plane without self-intersection. The curve is simple to specify and compute, extending to any number of dimensions as a K-1 dimensional hypersurface filling a bounded hypervolume. The author provides a comprehensive description of the curve's properties, generation method, and potential applications.


The concept of a fractal curve that is deterministic, self-avoiding, and able to fill any connected area of the plane is an original contribution to the field of fractal geometry. The approach differs from traditional space-filling curves like the Peano and Hilbert curves, which typically fill rectangular regions and often involve self-similarity through scaled copies of an initial shape. The presented method's flexibility and simplicity offer a new perspective on space-filling curves.


  1. Deterministic Nature: The curve's deterministic nature ensures reproducibility and predictability, valuable for both theoretical exploration and practical applications.
  2. Non-Self-Intersecting: The property of never self-intersecting makes the curve useful for various engineering and computational applications where overlapping paths are undesirable.
  3. Generality: The method's applicability to any bounded and connected region and its extension to higher dimensions broadens its potential use cases.
  4. Computational Efficiency: The curve's generation is described as quick and simple, which is advantageous for real-time applications and simulations.

Weak Points:

  1. Detailed Mathematical Analysis: While the paper provides a descriptive and empirical introduction, a more rigorous mathematical analysis of the curve's properties, such as proof of its space-filling nature and fractal dimension, would strengthen the paper.
  2. Comparison with Existing Curves: A more detailed comparison with other space-filling curves, highlighting specific advantages and disadvantages, would provide better context for the curve's novelty and applicability.
  3. Visualizations and Examples: Additional visualizations, especially in higher dimensions, and more varied examples of the curve in different regions would enhance the reader's understanding.
  4. Application Scenarios: The paper mentions engineering applications but does not delve into specific scenarios or case studies. Including a section on potential or actual applications could demonstrate the curve's practical utility.
  5. Algorithmic Details: Providing pseudocode or more detailed algorithmic steps for the curve's generation would help others implement the method more easily.

Recommendations for Improvement:

  1. Include a section with rigorous mathematical proofs of the curve's properties.
  2. Provide a more in-depth comparison with traditional space-filling curves.
  3. Add more visual examples, particularly in three or higher dimensions.
  4. Discuss specific application scenarios in more detail.
  5. Include pseudocode or detailed algorithms to aid in the curve's implementation.


The paper introduces a promising new fractal curve with significant potential applications. Addressing the outlined weak points would enhance its clarity, rigor, and impact, making it a strong candidate for publication.

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